1. Today, 1 out 17 kids under the age of 3 has a food allergy.
2. From 1997 until 2002, peanut allergies DOUBLED.
3. 9 out of 10 of breast cancer cases in the US are not genetic; they are environmental.
Robin O'Brien is so smart! She is the Horton who heard a Who. I've got her book but haven't started it yet. Can't wait! Watch this video. She is so eloquent & passionate. You WILL be inspired! (copied from Cheeseslave)
This video has some FABULOUS information and is well worth the time. PLEASE take the time to watch.
When I started this blog, I wasn't "allowed" to deviate from recipes because the meal just never would turn out quite right. LOL! But when we started dealing with multiple food allergies, I had no choice but to change and tweak!
I have gained more confidence in the kitchen because of all the trials (and errors!) that I've had to face. I look forward to continuing this journey of feeding my family safe, nutritious, and delicious food... even if I Mustn't Follow Recipes anymore. {grin}
Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife For 2 1/2 years we lived without food allergies after my son passed his food challenges. Then, stomach pain and hives became a part of our life. Thankfully, nothing life-threatening, but unfortunately we are back on the food-allergy bus. ***************
All recipes are labeled as Dairy Free. Recipes labeled Egg Free and/or Peanut Free originally contained one/both of those allergens and has been converted.
Please leave feedback - I look forward to reading how you may tweak and improve these recipes!
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