Saturday, July 25, 2009

Giveaway #2 and a Personal Note

Francesca will be recieving The Milk Free Kitchen! Please email your address to me.

My family is in the process of moving and I don't know exactly when I'll be online again after today. Just yesterday the movers were secured for this Sunday so we have a lot of work to do before then! (This is about two weeks sooner than expected, but I'm ready to get this done!)

A note to my cook book winners: Please be patient with me! I promise you will get your books, it just might take a little longer than expected. :)


Francesca said...

Thank you! I have emailed you with my address information. If you have any further questions you can contact me at francescanr(at) Thanks again!

Deanna said...

Hi! It's been awhile since I visited your blog. Moving is such an undertaking! I've always had a love/hate relationship with moving...I love the thorough cleaning but not the packing!

Quick question...have you had to fight a picky eater on the restricted diet? Our little one is so picky about texture and anything different than his standard fare - now mind you, this is at home. At daycare, he'll eat shoe rubber if that's what they're serving (provided it's okay with his allergies). Like this past weekend I made homemade steak fingers (egg free, dairy free!) - he took one look at it, picked it up, and chunked it. Drives me nuts!! help!